Saturday, May 19, 2012

First meeting of the Junior Club..

The newly formed Junior  Club met this morning.We ended up with 6 juniors, ranging in age from 12 to 17. Three were boys, and three were GIRLS! It was nice to see an equal number of girls and boys, even if two of the girls were mine!  There are a few more kids who will join in the next time they meet but it was nice to have a smaller group, as some of them hadn't handled a rifle before.

After a thorough safety lecture, everyone started with the basics, regardless of their own personal experience with firearms. Square one..The guys who volunteered to take charge of the group did an excellent job talking about more than just what they'd be doing in the club, they also covered situations the kids might find themselves in outside of the range. Life lessons that go beyond range time, that's what I like. 

The kids had a good time, each shot a few different .22lr rifles. Each time they meet, they'll build on the skills they've learned. We're hoping to keep it safe, fun, fresh and interesting. Keep them coming back and improving their skills. 

Who knows, maybe we started a future Olympian today! If nothing else, they're gaining skills and having fun, in a safe, supportive and instructional environment. 

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